How to get option chain data using websocket?

Please help me I want the live price of FO using Websocket.

This is how I get the data.

I get the data. But it is found in Blob object then how can I get it in Array or Json.

//============ Code =============//
function WebSocketTest() {

        if ("WebSocket" in window) {
            alert("WebSocket is supported by your Browser!");
            // Let us open a web socket
            var ws = new WebSocket("wss://{{token}}");
            ws.onopen = function() {
                alert("Message is sent...");
            ws.onmessage = function (evt) { 
                var received_msg =;
            ws.onclose = function() { 
                // websocket is closed.
                alert("Connection is closed..."); 
        } else {
            // The browser doesn't support WebSocket
            alert("WebSocket NOT supported by your Browser!");

@PaytmMoney @ravibeck

Can you please give me any suggestion?

Hi @valabhavik please refer to below client-side implementation

var publicAccessToken = "YOUR_PUBLIC_ACCESS_TOKEN";
url = 'wss://' + `x_jwt_token=${publicAccessToken}`;

var socket = new WebSocket(url);

// Event triggered when user connection has successfully opened
socket.addEventListener('open', function () {
    if (socket.readyState === socket.OPEN) {
                "actionType": "ADD",
                "modeType": "FULL",
                "scripType": "INDEX",
                "exchangeType": "NSE",
                "scripId": "13"
                "actionType": "ADD",
                "modeType": "LTP",
                "scripType": "INDEX",
                "exchangeType": "BSE",
                "scripId": "51"

// Event triggered when user connection has closed
socket.addEventListener('close', function (event) {
    console.log("user disconnected");

// Event triggered when user connection gets an error
socket.addEventListener('error', function (event) {
}) // Event triggered when user connection gets a message from the server
socket.addEventListener("message", function (message) {
    try {
        if ( instanceof Blob) {
        } else {
            console.log("Message: " +;
    } catch (e) {
        console.log("Error: " + e);

function processByteMessage(message) {
    const arrayBufferPromise =;
    arrayBufferPromise.then((data) => {
        var l = data.byteLength;
        var dvu = new DataView(data);
        let position = 0;
        while (position != l) {
            var type = dvu.getInt8(position);
            position = position + 1;
            console.log("Mode Type: " + type);
            switch (type) {
                case 64:
                case 65:
                case 66:
                case 61:
                case 62:
                case 63:

        function processLtpPacket(dvu) {
            console.log("last_trade_price: " + dvu.getFloat32(position, true));
            console.log("last_trade_time: " + dvu.getInt32(position + 4, true));
            console.log("security id: " + dvu.getInt32(position + 8, true));
            console.log("traded: " + dvu.getInt8(position + 12, true));
            console.log("Mode: " + dvu.getInt8(position + 13, true));
            console.log("changeAbsolute: " + dvu.getFloat32(position + 14, true));
            console.log("changePercent: " + dvu.getFloat32(position + 18, true));
            position += 22;

        function processIndexLtpPacket(dvu) {
            console.log("last_trade_price: " + dvu.getFloat32(position, true));
            console.log("last_update_time: " + dvu.getInt32(position + 4, true));
            console.log("security id: " + dvu.getInt32(position + 8, true));
            console.log("traded: " + dvu.getInt8(position + 12, true));
            console.log("Mode: " + dvu.getInt8(position + 13, true));
            console.log("changeAbsolute: " + dvu.getFloat32(position + 14, true));
            console.log("changePercent: " + dvu.getFloat32(position + 18, true));
            position += 22;

        function processQuotePacket(dvu) {
            console.log("last_traded_price: " + dvu.getFloat32(position, true));
            console.log("Last_trade_time: " + dvu.getInt32(position + 4, true));
            console.log("security id: " + dvu.getInt32(position + 8, true));
            console.log("traded: " + dvu.getInt8(position + 12, true));
            console.log("Mode: " + dvu.getInt8(position + 13, true));
            console.log("last_traded_quantity " + dvu.getInt32(position + 14, true));
            console.log("average_traded_price: " + dvu.getFloat32(position + 18, true));
            console.log("volume: " + dvu.getInt32(position + 22, true));
            console.log("total_buy_quantity: " + dvu.getInt32(position + 26, true));
            console.log("total_sell_quantity: " + dvu.getInt32(position + 30, true));
            console.log("open: " + dvu.getFloat32(position + 34, true));
            console.log("close: " + dvu.getFloat32(position + 38, true));
            console.log("high: " + dvu.getFloat32(position + 42, true));
            console.log("low: " + dvu.getFloat32(position + 46, true));
            console.log("change_percent: " + dvu.getFloat32(position + 50, true));
            console.log("change_absolute: " + dvu.getFloat32(position + 54, true));
            console.log("52_week_high: " + dvu.getFloat32(position + 58, true));
            console.log("52_week_low: " + dvu.getFloat32(position + 62, true));
            position += 66;

        function processIndexQuotePacket(dvu) {
            console.log("last_trade_price: " + dvu.getFloat32(position, true));
            console.log("security id: " + dvu.getInt32(position + 4, true));
            console.log("traded: " + dvu.getInt8(position + 8, true));
            console.log("Mode: " + dvu.getInt8(position + 9, true));
            console.log("open " + dvu.getFloat32(position + 10, true));
            console.log("close: " + dvu.getFloat32(position + 14, true));
            console.log("high: " + dvu.getFloat32(position + 18, true));
            console.log("low: " + dvu.getFloat32(position + 22, true));
            console.log("change_percent: " + dvu.getFloat32(position + 26, true));
            console.log("change_absolute: " + dvu.getFloat32(position + 30, true));
            console.log("52_week_high: " + dvu.getFloat32(position + 34, true));
            console.log("52_week_low: " + dvu.getFloat32(position + 38, true));
            position += 42;

        function processFullPacket(dvu) {
            depthPosition = position;
            for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
                console.log("DEPTH PACKET  #" + (i + 1));
                console.log("buy_quantity: " + dvu.getInt32(depthPosition, true));
                console.log("sell_quantity: " + dvu.getInt32(depthPosition + 4, true));

                console.log("buy_order: " + dvu.getInt16(depthPosition + 8, true));
                console.log("sell_order: " + dvu.getInt16(depthPosition + 10, true));

                console.log("buy_price: " + dvu.getFloat32(depthPosition + 12, true));
                console.log("sell_price: " + dvu.getFloat32(depthPosition + 16, true));
                depthPosition += 20;

            position += 100;

            console.log("last_traded_price: " + dvu.getFloat32(position, true));
            console.log("last_trade_time: " + dvu.getInt32(position + 4, true));
            console.log("security id: " + dvu.getInt32(position + 8, true));
            console.log("traded: " + dvu.getInt8(position + 12, true));
            console.log("Mode: " + dvu.getInt8(position + 13, true));
            console.log("last_traded_quantity " + dvu.getInt32(position + 14, true));
            console.log("average_traded_price: " + dvu.getFloat32(position + 18, true));
            console.log("volume: " + dvu.getInt32(position + 22, true));
            console.log("total_buy_quantity: " + dvu.getInt32(position + 26, true));
            console.log("total_sell_quantity: " + dvu.getInt32(position + 30, true));
            console.log("open: " + dvu.getFloat32(position + 34, true));
            console.log("close: " + dvu.getFloat32(position + 38, true));
            console.log("high: " + dvu.getFloat32(position + 42, true));
            console.log("low: " + dvu.getFloat32(position + 46, true));
            console.log("change_percent: " + dvu.getFloat32(position + 50, true));
            console.log("change_absolute: " + dvu.getFloat32(position + 54, true));
            console.log("52_week_high: " + dvu.getFloat32(position + 58, true));
            console.log("52_week_low: " + dvu.getFloat32(position + 62, true));
            console.log("oi: " + dvu.getInt32(position + 66, true));
            console.log("change_oi: " + dvu.getInt32(position + 70, true));
            position += 74;

        function processIndexFullPacket(dvu) {
            console.log("last_trade_price: " + dvu.getFloat32(position, true));
            console.log("security id: " + dvu.getInt32(position + 4, true));
            console.log("traded: " + dvu.getInt8(position + 8, true));
            console.log("Mode: " + dvu.getInt8(position + 9, true));
            console.log("open " + dvu.getFloat32(position + 10, true));
            console.log("close: " + dvu.getFloat32(position + 14, true));
            console.log("high: " + dvu.getFloat32(position + 18, true));
            console.log("low: " + dvu.getFloat32(position + 22, true));
            console.log("change_percent: " + dvu.getFloat32(position + 26, true));
            console.log("change_absolute: " + dvu.getFloat32(position + 30, true));
            console.log("last_update_time: " + dvu.getInt32(position + 34, true));
            position += 38;

Title is misleading ?

Because you are not fetching OPTIONCHAIN in your code… and definatly not using web-socket either…

Can someone tell me how to get realtime OPTIONCHAIN of particular expiry date using websocket ? I am not asking about URL call, I am not asking about receiving particular option contracts like CE20000NIFTY through websocket in real-time…

I am asking about getting entire option chain updates of all contracts for perticular expiry using Websocket connect…

Is it posiible ?

I dont understand what preference / config to pass

Can this code will recive NIFTY option chain/not just an underline realtime update live ?