Order Not Found even though order was there

{status: ‘error’, message: ‘Order Not Found’, data: Array(1), error_code: ‘RS-0022’}
const url = ‘https://developer.paytmmoney.com/orders/v1/modify/regular’;

  1. exchange: “NSE”
  2. group_id: 1
  3. mkt_type: “NL”
  4. off_mkt_flag: “false”
  5. order_no: “XXXXXXXXXXXXXX”
  6. order_type: “MKT”
  7. price: 0
  8. product: “I”
  9. quantity: 1000
  10. security_id: “2029”
  11. segment: “E”
  12. serial_no: 2
  13. source: “N”
  14. txn_type: “S”
  15. validity: “DAY”

var bbuy=await fetch(url, {method: ‘POST’,headers: {‘x-jwt-token’: jwtToken,‘Content-Type’: ‘application/json’},body: JSON.stringify(data)}).then(response => {return response.json();});

It solved we need to pass group id as well

@kumarraja thanks for writing to us, if you need any further help do let us know or email us at api openapi.care@paytmmoney.com