Bug of market depth in live web socket

Here is one full depth via live websocket.
clearly buy sell prices (around 2170.60) of depth packet is rubbish, compared to LTP ‘3818.90’

  depthPacket: {
    'depth_packet_#1': {
      buy_quantity: 31,
      sell_quantity: 28,
      buy_order: 2,
      sell_order: 3,
      buy_price: '2170.60',
      sell_price: '2171.90'
    'depth_packet_#2': {
      buy_quantity: 11,
      sell_quantity: 9,
      buy_order: 2,
      sell_order: 2,
      buy_price: '2170.55',
      sell_price: '2171.95'
    'depth_packet_#3': {
      buy_quantity: 5,
      sell_quantity: 8,
      buy_order: 1,
      sell_order: 2,
      buy_price: '2170.50',
      sell_price: '2172.10'
    'depth_packet_#4': {
      buy_quantity: 1,
      sell_quantity: 2,
      buy_order: 1,
      sell_order: 1,
      buy_price: '2170.45',
      sell_price: '2172.20'
    'depth_packet_#5': {
      buy_quantity: 30,
      sell_quantity: 21,
      buy_order: 2,
      sell_order: 1,
      buy_price: '2170.40',
      sell_price: '2172.35'
  LTP: '3818.90',
  last_traded_time: 1373004410,
  security_id: 19913,
  tradable: 1,
  mode: 63,
  last_traded_quantity: 6,
  average_traded_price: '3857.52',
  volume_traded: 146254,
  total_buy_quantity: 38155,
  total_sell_quantity: 83661,
  open: '3880.00',
  close: '3857.20',
  high: '3897.00',
  low: '3801.20',
  change_percent: '-0.99',
  change_absolute: '-38.30',
  fifty_two_week_high: '4609.00',
  fifty_two_week_low: '3292.00',
  OI: 0,
  OI_change: 0
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Hi @codeofnode
Thank you for pointing out this issue. We will review and update you on this.

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Any update on this?
It would be nightmare to trigger signals based on wrong data from source.

Hi @codeofnode, We tested this on our side and it was working fine but we will keep monitoring for some more time
It would be great if you could also help us in debugging this by informing us once you receive another such wrong packet along with the time at which you received that packet