Here is one full depth via live websocket.
clearly buy sell prices (around 2170.60) of depth packet is rubbish, compared to LTP ‘3818.90’
depthPacket: {
'depth_packet_#1': {
buy_quantity: 31,
sell_quantity: 28,
buy_order: 2,
sell_order: 3,
buy_price: '2170.60',
sell_price: '2171.90'
'depth_packet_#2': {
buy_quantity: 11,
sell_quantity: 9,
buy_order: 2,
sell_order: 2,
buy_price: '2170.55',
sell_price: '2171.95'
'depth_packet_#3': {
buy_quantity: 5,
sell_quantity: 8,
buy_order: 1,
sell_order: 2,
buy_price: '2170.50',
sell_price: '2172.10'
'depth_packet_#4': {
buy_quantity: 1,
sell_quantity: 2,
buy_order: 1,
sell_order: 1,
buy_price: '2170.45',
sell_price: '2172.20'
'depth_packet_#5': {
buy_quantity: 30,
sell_quantity: 21,
buy_order: 2,
sell_order: 1,
buy_price: '2170.40',
sell_price: '2172.35'
LTP: '3818.90',
last_traded_time: 1373004410,
security_id: 19913,
tradable: 1,
mode: 63,
last_traded_quantity: 6,
average_traded_price: '3857.52',
volume_traded: 146254,
total_buy_quantity: 38155,
total_sell_quantity: 83661,
open: '3880.00',
close: '3857.20',
high: '3897.00',
low: '3801.20',
change_percent: '-0.99',
change_absolute: '-38.30',
fifty_two_week_high: '4609.00',
fifty_two_week_low: '3292.00',
OI: 0,
OI_change: 0