HI @sanjoy.dasgupta, the server can send you either an error message (in string format) or data packet (in ByteBuffer format). You need to check the message type before performing the decoding logic. Please find below the code implementation -
socket.addEventListener("message", function(packet) {
if (typeof packet === “string”)
console.log(packet); // to handle error message sent by server
console.log(parseBinary(packet)); // to handle ByteBuffer packets sent by server
* This method parses the packets received from Broadcast Server (in ByteBuffer) to human-readable format
* @param {ArrayByteBuffer} packet ByteBuffer response packet received from Broadcast server
* @returns {Array} response parsed in human-readable format
parseBinary(packet) {
let len = packet.length, response = [];
let ab = new ArrayBuffer(len);
let dv = new Int8Array(ab);
for (let i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
dv[i] = packet[i];
let dvu = new DataView(ab);
let position = 0;
while (position != len) {
let type = dvu.getInt8(position);
position = position + 1;
switch (type) {
case 64:
case 65:
case 66:
case 61:
case 62:
case 63:
function processLtpPacket() {
last_price: dvu.getFloat32(position, true).toFixed(2),
last_trade_time: epochConverterUtil.EpochConverter(dvu.getInt32(position + 4, true)),
security_id: dvu.getInt32(position + 8, true),
tradable: dvu.getInt8(position + 12, true),
mode: dvu.getInt8(position + 13, true),
change_absolute: dvu.getFloat32(position + 14, true).toFixed(2),
change_percent: dvu.getFloat32(position + 18, true).toFixed(2)
position = position + 22;
function processIndexLtpPacket() {
last_price: dvu.getFloat32(position, true).toFixed(2),
last_update_time: epochConverterUtil.EpochConverter(dvu.getInt32(position + 4, true)),
security_id: dvu.getInt32(position + 8, true),
tradable: dvu.getInt8(position + 12, true),
mode: dvu.getInt8(position + 13, true),
change_absolute: dvu.getFloat32(position + 14, true).toFixed(2),
change_percent: dvu.getFloat32(position + 18, true).toFixed(2)
position = position + 22;
function processQuotePacket() {
last_price: dvu.getFloat32(position, true).toFixed(2),
last_trade_time: epochConverterUtil.EpochConverter(dvu.getInt32(position + 4, true)),
security_id: dvu.getInt32(position + 8, true),
tradable: dvu.getInt8(position + 12, true),
mode: dvu.getInt8(position + 13, true),
last_traded_quantity: dvu.getInt32(position + 14, true),
average_traded_price: dvu.getFloat32(position + 18, true).toFixed(2),
volume_traded: dvu.getInt32(position + 22, true),
total_buy_quantity: dvu.getInt32(position + 26, true),
total_sell_quantity: dvu.getInt32(position + 30, true),
open: dvu.getFloat32(position + 34, true).toFixed(2),
close: dvu.getFloat32(position + 38, true).toFixed(2),
high: dvu.getFloat32(position + 42, true).toFixed(2),
low: dvu.getFloat32(position + 46, true).toFixed(2),
change_percent: dvu.getFloat32(position + 50, true).toFixed(2),
change_absolute: dvu.getFloat32(position + 54, true).toFixed(2),
fifty_two_week_high: dvu.getFloat32(position + 58, true).toFixed(2),
fifty_two_week_low: dvu.getFloat32(position + 62, true).toFixed(2)
position = position + 66;
function processIndexQuotePacket() {
last_price: dvu.getFloat32(position, true).toFixed(2),
security_id: dvu.getInt32(position + 4, true),
tradable: dvu.getInt8(position + 8, true),
mode: dvu.getInt8(position + 9, true),
open: dvu.getFloat32(position + 10, true).toFixed(2),
close: dvu.getFloat32(position + 14, true).toFixed(2),
high: dvu.getFloat32(position + 18, true).toFixed(2),
low: dvu.getFloat32(position + 22, true).toFixed(2),
change_percent: dvu.getFloat32(position + 26, true).toFixed(2),
change_absolute: dvu.getFloat32(position + 30, true).toFixed(2),
fifty_two_week_high: dvu.getFloat32(position + 34, true).toFixed(2),
fifty_two_week_low: dvu.getFloat32(position + 38, true).toFixed(2)
position = position + 42;
function processFullPacket() {
let depth_size = 20;
let depthPacket = {}
for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
let depth = “depth_packet_ #” + (i + 1);
let depthObj = {}
depthObj.buy_quantity = dvu.getInt32(position + (i * depth_size), true);
depthObj.sell_quantity = dvu.getInt32(position + 4 + (i * depth_size), true);
depthObj.buy_order = dvu.getInt16(position + 8 + (i * depth_size), true);
depthObj.sell_order = dvu.getInt16(position + 10 + (i * depth_size), true);
depthObj.buy_price = dvu.getFloat32(position + 12 + (i * depth_size), true).toFixed(2);
depthObj.sell_price = dvu.getFloat32(position + 16 + (i * depth_size), true).toFixed(2);
depthPacket[depth] = depthObj;
let tick = {}
tick.depthPacket = depthPacket
position += 100
tick.last_price = dvu.getFloat32(position, true).toFixed(2),
tick.last_trade_time = epochConverterUtil.EpochConverter(dvu.getInt32(position + 4, true)),
tick.security_id = dvu.getInt32(position + 8, true),
tick.tradable = dvu.getInt8(position + 12, true),
tick.mode = dvu.getInt8(position + 13, true),
tick.last_traded_quantity = dvu.getInt32(position + 14, true),
tick.average_traded_price = dvu.getFloat32(position + 18, true).toFixed(2),
tick.volume_traded = dvu.getInt32(position + 22, true),
tick.total_buy_quantity = dvu.getInt32(position + 26, true),
tick.total_sell_quantity = dvu.getInt32(position + 30, true),
tick.open = dvu.getFloat32(position + 34, true).toFixed(2),
tick.close = dvu.getFloat32(position + 38, true).toFixed(2),
tick.high = dvu.getFloat32(position + 42, true).toFixed(2),
tick.low = dvu.getFloat32(position + 46, true).toFixed(2),
tick.change_percent = dvu.getFloat32(position + 50, true).toFixed(2),
tick.change_absolute = dvu.getFloat32(position + 54, true).toFixed(2),
tick.fifty_two_week_high = dvu.getFloat32(position + 58, true).toFixed(2),
tick.fifty_two_week_low = dvu.getFloat32(position + 62, true).toFixed(2),
tick.OI = dvu.getInt32(position + 66, true),
tick.OI_change = dvu.getInt32(position + 70, true)
position += 74
function processIndexFullPacket() {
last_price: dvu.getFloat32(position, true).toFixed(2),
security_id: dvu.getInt32(position + 4, true),
tradable: dvu.getInt8(position + 8, true),
mode: dvu.getInt8(position + 9, true),
open: dvu.getFloat32(position + 10, true).toFixed(2),
close: dvu.getFloat32(position + 14, true).toFixed(2),
high: dvu.getFloat32(position + 18, true).toFixed(2),
low: dvu.getFloat32(position + 22, true).toFixed(2),
change_percent: dvu.getFloat32(position + 26, true).toFixed(2),
change_absolute: dvu.getFloat32(position + 30, true).toFixed(2),
last_update_time: epochConverterUtil.EpochConverter(dvu.getInt32(position + 34, true)),
position = position + 38;
return response;