How to generate tokens



Hi @ama,

Step 1 : Complete the login process and in the end you will receive a requestToken in URL. Get the login Url from the below attached api docs.
Step 2 : Call the generate_session(your_request_token) and pass the requestToken in parameter. It will generate all the tokens.

Sample code for reference : pyPMClient/ at master · paytmmoney/pyPMClient · GitHub

For more details please refer to our API Docs

Thanks for your response, but when I do that I get this error below, since I have provided http://localhost as my redirect URL

This site can’t be reached

localhost refused to connect.



Actually I realized that although I got this error by the request_code was generated.

  1. How long is this request code valid for?
  2. For next step, I passed the token with the generate _session, but how will I get the other tokens after this call, like the access_token, Public_access_token and read_access_token

This call above does not return anything



  1. It is valid for 30 minutes.
  2. You have to create an object with the apiKey and apiSecret used to generate request_token and then you call the class methods. Sharing a code screenshot for reference


Can we get the live market data without users to login ? I am trying to use the API in a app, but i donot want user to login to see the market data