Avoid TPIN while selling shares through API

We are trying to sell shares through API but TPIN is required. Is it possible to sell shared through API without entering TPIN.

When you sell stocks, we need to debit those shares from your demat account.
At Paytm Money, we have simplified this for customers. This also helps ensure the safety of the stocks held by you in the Paytm Money DP account, stocks can be moved only if you provide the TPIN. Customers can sell stocks by authorizing their sell transactions directly with CDSL-facilitated TPIN.

If you prefer to use APIs, follow these steps:

  1. Call the API mentioned in the documentation: https://developer.paytmmoney.com/docs/api/edis-validate-tpin/

    In response, you will receive the following details:

  2. After obtaining this response, submit a form in your browser using the “form” tag. Set the “action” attribute value as “https://eDIS.cdslindia.com/eDIS/VerifyDIS” and the “method” attribute value as “post”. Populate all the fields with the details from the API response.

    Here’s an example HTML form:

    <html xmlns:th="https://www.thymeleaf.org">
        <title>Submit TPIN Req to CDSL</title>
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
    <h1>Request TPIN</h1>
    <form action="https://eDIS.cdslindia.com/eDIS/VerifyDIS" method="post">
        <p>DpId: <input type="text" name="DpId"/></p>
        <p>ReqId: <input type="text" name="ReqId"/></p>
        <p>Version: <input type="text" name="Version"/></p>
        <p>TransDtls: <input type="text" name="TransDtls"/></p>
        <p><input type="submit" value="Submit" /> <input type="reset" value="Reset" /></p>
  3. Upon clicking submit, you will be redirected to a CDSL web page. Enter your TPIN and OTP.

  4. If TPIN and OTP are submitted successfully, you will receive a blank page; otherwise, there may be an error message on the CDSL webpage.

  5. After successfully submitting the TPIN request to CDSL, check for the query parameter “ReqId” in the redirect URL (e.g., “Paytm Money Stocks”).

  6. Use the “ReqId” value in the documentation for the eDIS - Authorisation Status API: https://developer.paytmmoney.com/docs/api/edis-authorisation-status-api/

  7. Once these steps are completed, you can proceed to place your delivery sell order.

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