How to Modify Bracket Order Price and Trigger Price of Leg 1 Only

Hello Team,
I am using a stop loss limit order and I want to modify the bracket order price and trigger price only. I am not sure what parameters I need to send in the request body, as per the doc every field is optional.
I have attached my request body below.

"order_no": "xxxxxxxx",
"leg_no": 1,
"price": "15151",
"trigger_price": "2525"

Could you please check if it is correct and advise me on how to proceed? I appreciate your guidance on this matter. Thank you.

@PaytmMoney @PaytmMain

Hi @adityatoke ,

Stop Loss and Target orders are generated once the parent order (leg_no: 1 [Parent]) is executed.

You will receive two child orders (leg_no: 2 [Stoploss] & leg_no: 3 [Target]) in the order book API response.

To modify the trigger price for your Stop Loss order, extract the following data from the order book API response and use it in the modify bracket request:

    "order_no": "13812*******",
    "serial_no": 2,
    "group_id": 1,
    "source": "W",
    "segment": "E",
    "validity": "DAY",
    "mkt_type": "NL",
    "exchange": "NSE",
    "product": "B",
    "quantity": 1,
    "txn_type": "S",
    "security_id": 11915,
    "order_type": "SLM",
    "price": "0",
    "trigger_price": "24.05",
    "off_mkt_flag": false,
    "leg_no": "2",
    "algo_order_no": "135124******"

Please replace the placeholder values with your actual order number and accurate details from the order book response.

P.S: The algo_order_no in legs 2 and 3 represents the parent Order ID.

If you wish to modify a stop-loss limit order within a bracket order, please use the following payload:

    "order_no": "****",
    "serial_no": 1,
    "group_id": 7,
    "source": "W",
    "segment": "E",
    "validity": "DAY",
    "mkt_type": "NL",
    "exchange": "NSE",
    "product": "B",
    "quantity": 1,
    "txn_type": "B",
    "security_id": 11915,
    "order_type": "SL",
    "price": "25.55",
    "trigger_price": "25.5",
    "off_mkt_flag": false,
    "leg_no": "1",
    "algo_order_no": -1

Ensure you replace the placeholder values with your actual order number and accurate details retrieved from the order book response.

Feel free to reach out if you have any further questions or need additional assistance.

Hey @ravibeck thanks for your help, but I would like to only modify my bracket order that is the parent order price and trigger price.

I dnt ever want to update any value once its triggered or update any stoploss and target vslue.

Hi @adityatoke ,
please refer to my second comment for the same How to Modify Bracket Order Price and Trigger Price of Leg 1 Only - #3 by ravibeck
and update the “price” &“trigger_price” accordingly.