Redirection not working

Hey, I have created an app where I have provided the redirect URL as http://localhost:8000/login.

After clicking on the login URL and logging in successfully, I am not being redirected to localhost:8000 as I expected, instead I am redirected to this URL:

Is there anything I am doing wrong or is this the expected behaviour?
If this is expected, how do I get the request token in my app?


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I am also facing the same issue. @PaytmMoney can you please help

Still not able to make redirection work, but I have worked around that asking the user to copy and paste the generated URL after login and I extract the request token from there.

@PaytmMoney waiting for your reply

Hi @chetan @anuragroy

Thanks for highlighting the issue. We are working on this issue and will fix soon and keep you updated.


Hi @chetan @anuragroy

We have fixed this issue. You can start using the Trading API and Market data API/Webscocket.

Thanks for you feedbacks!!

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Thanks, will check and confirm!

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